4. ANTÔNIO DE VILLAS BÔAS (DOMINGOS DE ) was christened in NOV 1589 in Barcelos - Portugal.
ANTÔNIO married CUSTÓDIA FRANCISCO CARVALHO daughter of MANOEL FRANCISCO and MARIA CARVALHO on 11 APR 1701 in Barcelinhos, Barcelos - Portugal.
They had the following children:
5 M i Pe. BENTO DE VILLAS BÔAS was born before 1700 in Barcelinhos - Portugal. + 6 F ii ANDREZA MARIA DE VILLAS BÔAS was christened on 05 DEC 1703. 7 F iii ANTÔNIA MARIA was born about 1705. [Notes] 8 F iv LUÍSA CLARA DE VILLAS BÔAS.[Notes] 9 M v FRANCISCO was born on 05 NOV 1711 in Barcelinhos, Barcelos - Portugal. He was christened on 11 NOV 1711 in Barcelinhos, Barcelos - Portugal. He died on 26 NOV 1714 in Barcelinhos, Barcelos - Portugal. [Notes] 10 F vi ANA was born on 15 MAY 1714 in Barcelinhos, Barcelos - Portugal. She was christened on 22 MAY 1714 in Barcelinhos, Barcelos - Portugal. [Notes]